It’s been a busy month leading up to Xmas and then the day itself, and I haven’t gotten as much reading done as I would like. I need to start posting more in here as it keeps me engaged.
I set myself a Goodreads goal of reading 35 books this year and I managed this. I think for 2025 I should be looking to up this a bit. I may try for 40 as I do plan to devote more time to reading, and consistent reading.
I am currently reading the Silverblood Promise, I picked this up as it was a birthday present and it was chosen as the book for the BFS book club, but didn’t manage to get it read in time. I still want to finish it though so it will be the first Fantasy read of 2025.
As usual, I got a few books for Xmas that have already been found places in the library. I need to include some of them in my 2025 reading plan as I have been waiting to get them for a while.

I recently finished Brassman (picture on the right) by Neal Asher and need to finish the review for this one. It was another amazing installment from Neal in his Polity series of books. Although they are self-contained collections or standalone books I like how all of the books are in the same universe and are carrying a story forward. If you like Sci-Fi definitely worth checking out.
For self-help/learning, books. I am nearly done with Be Useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger which is based on his seven rules of life mantra. It’s a good book but I have been reading it for a while, I need to get it finished. I also picked up Ali Abdaal’s book Feel-Good Productivity. Heard about this book allot and so I got the Kindle edition.

I will hopefully be spending some time in my library later picking out what I want to read for 2025, I am going to try and make a list and then stick to it.
So, enough for now, I am off out for the day with the wife and will get some productive stuff done later.
Keep reading.